1 Research Project

1 Research Project


Each Research Project comes with a corresponding analysis and deliverable agreed upon between the client & designer.



One artifact produced as a result of research. Each additional artifact on a case by case basis.


User Interviews (Up to 5 Users): user interviews are a key activity for understanding the tasks and motivations of the user group for whom you are designing. Interviews may beformally scheduled, or just informal chats.

Affinity Mapping: a design technique for identifying and grouping patterns within unrelated qualitative data.



One artifact produced as a result of research. Each additional artifact on a case by case basis.


Usability Testing (Up to 5 users): one-to-one interviews in which the user is asked to perform a series of tasks in a prototype or a product. Validates and collects feedback of Mows, design and features.

A/B Testing: Offering alternative versions of your product to different users and comparing the results to find out which one performs better. Great for optimizing funnels and landing pages.


Price varies based upon complexity and stage of project.

Wireframes: a visual guide that represents the page structure, as well as its hierarchy and key elements. Useful to discuss ideas with team members and clients, and to assist the work of designers and developers.

Prototyping: a prototype is a simulation of the website/app navigation and features, commonly using clickable wireframes or layouts. It’s a quick and dirty way to test and validate a product before fully developing it.

(Low Fidelity) Paper Prototyping: paper prototyping is the process of creating rough, often hand- sketched, drawings of a user interface, and using them in a usability test to gather feedback. Participants point to locations on the page that they would click, and screens are manually presented to the user based on the interactions they indicate.

Sitemap: one of the most iconic information architecture deliverables, a sitemap consists of a diagram of the website’s pages organized hierarchically. It makes it easy to visualize the basic structure and navigation of a website.


Competitor Analysis: Competitor Profile, SWOT & UX Analysis (Up to 3 Competitors). A comprehensive analysis of competitor products that maps out their existing features in a comparable way. Helps you understand industry standards and identify opportunities to innovate in a given area.

Stakeholder Interviews and Analysis: scripts for interviewing key stakeholders in a project, both internal and external, to gather insights about their goals. It helps prioritize features and define key performance indicators (KPIs).

Content Audit: the activity of listing all content available on a website or mobile app. This list willcome in handy at various stages of the project: see the big picture, define the content strategy and check the details of each page.

Heuristic Analysis: a detailed analysis of aproduct that highlights good and bad practices, using known interaction design principles asguidelines. Helps you visualize the current state of the product in terms of usability, efficiency, and effectiveness of the experience.

Use Cases & Scenarios: a comprehensive list of scenarios that happen when users are interacting with the product: logged in, not logged in, first visit, etc. Ensures that all possible actions are thoroughly considered, as well as the system behavior in each scenario.

Design Personas: a relatable snapshot of your target audience that highlights demographics, behaviors, needs and motivations through the creation of a Fictional character. Personas make it easier for you to create empathy with consumers throughout the design process.

User Journey Mapping: a diagram that explores the multiple (sometimes invisible) steps taken by consumers as they engage with the service. Allows you to frame the consumer’s motivations and needs in each step of the journey, creating design solutions that are appropriate for each.

Task Analysis: a breakdown of the required information and actions needed to achieve a task within the app or website. Can aid in understanding a current system as well as generating a new one based upon user feedback or common friction within the app.

User Flows: a visual representation of the user’s flow to complete tasks within the product. It’s the user perspective of the site organization, making it easier to identify which steps could be improved or redesigned.

Taxonomies: an exploration around multipleways to categorize content and data: topics in a news site, product categories in an ecommerce, etc. Assists us in designing the content structure to support the user’s and the organization’s goals.

Mobile First Design Plan: a survey of the total features of the product and ways to prioritize them based upon device. Since the mobile version of your app or website is the smallest, this plan helps to prioritize those features within the mobile version and then scale out to bigger viewing screens in tablets or desktops.

Features Roadmap: a product’s evolution plan with prioritized features. It could be a spreadsheet, a diagram or even a bunch of sticky notes. Shares the product strategy with the team and the road that needs to be taken to achieve its vision.

Card Sorting: a technique that consists in asking users to group content and functionalities into open or closed categories. Gives you input on content hierarchy, organization and flow.

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